Uztaro 37 (2001)

Europar kultura: egia ala gezurra?

Eugenio Arraiza Rodriguez-Monte
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Europako estatuetan eta, batez ere, Europar Batasuna osatzen duten egituraketa politikoaren agiri eta aldarrikapenetan, “Europar kultura” esaten zaio oso lanbrotsu den kultur kategoria bati. Urteetan ari izan dira balizko europar kultura horren mamia aztertzen. Azken hamarkadan ohartu dira batere ados ez daudela, izan ere, estatu partaide bakoitzak bere kulturaz baino axola gutxiago eta mesfidantza gehiago du kultura amankomunaz. Beraz, kulturaren gaia bazterrean utzi edota zokoren batean gorde dute. Honekin, ordea, ez dute ezer aurreratu, europarren kultura nolakoa nahi dugun argitzeke baitago. Gainera, Europako estaturik gabeko herrien kulturak globalizazioaren mehatxupean sentitzen dira. Lerrootan, giza balioak eta Europako herri guztiak errespetatuko dituen kultura baten aldeko proposamena egiten dugu.

In the European Union’s headquarters the expression “European culture” has often been employed, almost like a feeling, but nobody knows its real meaning. The European office workers have tried to develop the idea for years, but nowadays they realise that the politicians are less interested in the hypothetical common culture than in the defence of their own country’s culture. In the last decade the phantom of mutual distrust has possessed the
meetings and documents of the EU and, in the end, even the phantom doesn\'t appear, only economic matters. Europeans and especially the people of the stateless countries are not keen to be waiting for solutions that never arrive. The threat of globalisation looms over the very existence of those cultures that have flourished over the centuries. In this article some proposals are made in order to build a European culture on the basis of individual and collective human rights.