Uztaro 38 (2001)

Masa hedabideen eragina arlo intelektualean: figura intelektual berrien sorrera dela eta

Ane Larrinaga Renteria
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Lan intelektualak badu kultur ekoizpenari loturiko dimentsio bat, eta komunikazioari, hau da, eragin politikoari, dagokion bigarren bat ere bai. Azken hau aintzat hartuta, masa hedabideetan burutu den intelektualen integrazioak arlo intelektualaren barne egituran eragin duen moldaketa aztertu gura da artikuluan, moldaketa horrek kultur produkzioaren beraren nolakotasuna eta autonomia erltiboa erabat baldintzatzen dituelakoan.

Intellectual work holds a first dimension related to cultural production, and a second linked to communication, that is to say, to political influence. Taking this latter dimension into consideration, the aim of the article is to analyse the recomposition that has been brought about in the internal structure of the intellectual field by the integration of the intellectuals into the means of mass diffusion, starting from the fact that this remodelling conditions the nature and relative autonomy of cultural production.