giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria
ISSN: 1130-5738
Munduratzeko bidean omen dagoen nazioarte-mailako ekonomian, gero eta ugariagoak dira prozesu horren norabidearen inguruko eztabaidak, alde batetik, fenomeno honek sortzen dituen ondorioen gainekoak, eta bestetik, ?erregionalismoa versus multilateralismoa? dikotomiari buruzkoak. Maila teoriko huts batetik urrunduta, aipatutako eztabaiden garrantzia azpimarratu beharra dago, gehienbat munduko ekonomia desfaboratuen ikuspegitik, horretan oinarritutako proposamenetan egon baitaiteke euren garapen-estra-tegien arrakastarako gakoa.
\r\nIn international economics which is said to be globalized, the debate about the way this process is undertaking is widely spreading. On one hand, the issue is related to the consequences of the process itself. On the other, it has to be with the dichotomy between regionalism versus multilateralism. Far from the merely theoretical point of view, it has to be underlined the importance of this debate, above all for the poorest in the world economy, since the success to their development strategies could be incorporated in the proposals based on it.