Uztaro 44 (2003)

Alfabeto bat Karlos Linazasororen munduaz

Ibon Egaña Etxeberria
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Gaur egungo euskal narratiban oso bide berezia, desberdina ari da lantzen Karlos Linazasoro tolosarraren literaturgintza. Narraziogintzan nagusi diren ildoetatik aldenduz, errealitatea eta fantasia nahasten dituen literatura bat da berea, Borges edo Cortázarren ekarpenak bere egin eta haiek eguneratzen, bere estilo propiora ekartzen asmatu duena, beti ere Kafka eta absurdoaren literatura oso presente dituela. Artikulu honek merezi adinako arretarik bereganatu ez duen idazle baten obrarako lehen hurbilpen bat izan nahi du. Hiztegi edo alfabeto eran itxuratuta, Linazasororen Ez balego beste mundurik narrazio-bildumaren irakurketa proposamen bat dira orrialde hauek.

The writings of Karlos Linazasoro have developed in quite an unusual and special way in present Basque literature. His writings, which are influenced by Borges and Cortázar have succeeded in mixing reality and fantasy, never forgetting Kafka and the literature of the absurd. This article is intended to be an introduction to the work of a writer who has to
date not received the attention that he has merited. By way of the alphabet, the article attempts to encourage the reader to explore Linazasoro’s collection of stories Ez balego beste mundurik (‘If there was no other world’).