Uztaro 45 (2003)

Galdegai-leku testu-hastapenetan (I) (Horrela bizi bagiña beti liburuan)

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Artikulu-sail honetan egileak erakutsi gura du helburu nagusitzat Sebero Altubek emaniko legea galdegaiari buruz (galdegaia ipini behar da aditz aurrean) ez dela egokia. Horretarako, aukeratu ditu idazle klasikoen testu batzuk eta ahozko beste batzuk, baina aztertu beharrean testuok oso-osorik, jorratzen ditu soilik euretako hasiera-perpausak: idazle-hiztunek non kokatzen duten galdegaia, aditz aurrean edo ostean. Helburu sekundariotzat dauka, manipulatuz gero perpaus aztergaiak, alegia, tokiz aldatuz gero galdegaia eta aditza, aztertzea zelako eragina duten manipulaziook perpausak prozesatzean: zeintzuk osagai-hurrenkera irakurtzen diren errazen edo gaitzen, eta zergatik. Lehenengo artikulu honetan egileak aztertzen du Horrela bizi bagina beti liburua, Anjel Lertxundik prestatua zeinetan jasotzen diren hainbat idazleren narrazioak.

This article seeks to show that the rule about (the focus of the question) set by Sebero Altube is not appropriate (the focus should precede the verb). In order to show this, texts written by classics have been selected but instead of analyzing the whole text, only the beginning sentences have been analyzed. It has been examined whether the writers place the focus before or after the verbs.  Besides, word order have  been manipulated to show the difference from the point of view of understanding. The reader will discover which word order makes understanding easier and why. The texts presented in this first article have been taken from the book Horrela bizi bagina beti  by Anjel Lertxundi. The book recompiles several writersÕ narrations.