Uztaro 46 (2003)

Enpresaren irudia eta prestakuntza iraunkorra


Prestakuntza iraunkorreko programen artean leku garrantzitsua hartzen dute prozesuen kalitatea hobetzeko programek. Kalitate-ziurtagiria eskuratzearen helburua ez da hobekuntza-prozesuak indarrean jartzera mugatzen; irudiaren politikarekin eta bezeroen inpresioak kudeatzearekin ere badu zerikusia. Enpresa baten identitatearen profila egungo identitate errealak, etorkizuneko identitate idealak eta bien arteko identitate proiektatuak eratzen dute. Enpresaren irudia, alde batetik, bere identitate errealean, idealean eta proiektatuan txertatu behar da. Baina, bestalde, irudiaren sintaxiko oinarrizko legeak bete behar ditu.

The programs of improvement of process quality take an important place between the programs of permanent learning. The aim of the attainment of a quality certification does not limit itself to the implantation of the processes of improvement; it is related also to the politics of image and to the management of impression of the clients. The profile of the identity of one company is formed by the real current identity, by the ideal identity and by the projected identity that places between previous identities. The image of the company must be based, on one hand, on its real, ideal and projected identity. But, on the other hand, it must fulfill the basic laws of the syntax of the image.