Uztaro 47 (2003)

Bilboko Erregimendua xvi. eta xvii. mendeen bitartean: bazterketa eta erresistentzia aurrez aurre

Mikel Zabala Montoya
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Artikulu honetan Goi Aro Berrian zehar Bilboko Erregimenduak izan-dako gorabehera batzuk dira aztergai. Bilboko hartu-emanak garrantzi handiko jarduera izanik, merkatariak Erregimendua (Hiribilduko gobernuko erakunde nagusiena zena) kontrolpean izaten saiatu ziren. Helburu hori bete-tzeko asmoz hainbat gizarte-talde kanporatu zuten, jokabide desberdinez ba-liatuta: batzuetan, gustuko ez zituzten hautagaiak auziperatuz; bestetan, ordenantza edota bestelako arau berriak indarrean sartuz. Noizbait, gatazka goi-mailako kideen arteko aurkakotasunen ondorioa izan zen. Enfrentamen-duotan, ez zen izan kasu guztietan talde agintaria garailea. Dena dela, xvii. mendearen lehen herenean prozesu baztertzailea areagotu egin zen, maila jasangaitzetara heldu arte.

This piece of work analyses some events happened in Council meetings of Bilbao in the Early Modern Age. Trade in Bilbao was very active, therefore businessmen made the best of them to take over the main institution of local government, that is the Council. They expelled several groups from it by different means in order to control the election of representatives. Sometimes, the candidates were accused and brought to justice. Besides, they ruled new ordinances and other regulations. In many cases, there were also conflicts of interests between members of Bilbao\'s elite. The ruling classes did not succeed in every case. Anyway, this process of exclusion increased during the first third of the 17th. century. Finally, it became too difficult to bear.