Uztaro 48 (2004)

Politika erreflexiboa. Praktika eta errepresentazio garaikiderako ikerketen agenda

Andoni Eizagirre Eizagirre
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Soziologia sailak antolatutako udako ikastaroetarako (Biarritz, 2003-07-09/10) idatzi artikulu honetan, politikaren zedarritze berri bat proposatzen da. Gailendutako ikuspegia kritikatu eta, dialektika fatala gainditze bidean, proposatuko da gizarte garaikideetan badaudela botere-harremanak eraldatzeko, gizarte-aldaketa bultzatzeko eta konplexutasunak, dilemak, ifrentzuak jasoko dituen espazio publikoa irekitzeko zantzuak. Horretarako, baina, modernitatearen printzipio eta instituzio legitimatzaileak ez eze, politikaren erreferentziarako kategoria markoak ere pentsatuko dira.

In this article, written for the summer courses organized by the sociology department, it is proposed a new view of Politics. In the way to overcome the fatal dialectic and to critic the dominating view, it will be proposed that in the contemporary society there are ways to open public spaces which will get the backhands, complexities and dilemmas, change the power relations and push the society change. Nevertheless, to do this, the categorizations of Politics\' reference should be rethought instead of the principles and legitimating institutions of the modernity. On the other hand, propositions want to draw the context that can valid the society\'s new movements, criticizing the empirical and normative reading.