giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria
ISSN: 1130-5738
Drogen arloan, arriskuak eta kalteak murriztearen paradigmak galderak eta inkoherentzia-elementuak ekarri ditu administrazio publikoen jardunbidean, eta halaber lanean ari diren gizarte-eragileei: osasun-arloko langile, polizia, gizarte-laguntzaile eta, bereziki, kazetari eta komunikabideetako langileei.
Drogei buruzko eztabaida fenomenoaren pixkanakako normalizaziorantz lerratzen ari da, satanizazioa gainditze aldera. Komunikabideek kontzienteki edo inkontzienteki, eraikitze sozialaren prozesuak gauzatzen dituzte, jendearen pertzeptzioan eragina duten kontzeptuak objektibatuz, estereotipoak ezarriz eta irudikapen sozialak sortuz.
Within the field of drug dependency, the paradigm of reducing risks and damage is giving rise to certain question marks and inconsistent aspects in terms of intervention on the part of public administration, in addition to agents who are working on the problem: health workers, police, welfare and health care professionals and, in particular, journalists and the social media.
The debate about drugs is geared towards the steady normalization of the phenomenon which enables its demonizing to be overcome. The social media, whether consciously or unconsciously, materialize processes of social construction in terms of objectification, of stereotypes and social representation, which influence the population\'s perception.