giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria
ISSN: 1130-5738
Azken hamarkadan genero eta estresari buruzko ikerketak gero eta gehiago dira Gizarte Psikologiaren arloan. Etxeko eta lantokiko aldibereko zereginak eragindako estresa (bereziki emakumezkoengan) zenbait ikus-puntutatik aztertu da. Errealitate horren aurrean sentsibilizatuak, trantsizio psikosozialari, noranzko biko estres eta rol arteko gatazkari (etxeko lanen eta langitzaren artekoari), estresaren analisi-mailari eta botereei buruzko ikerketa nagusiak aztertuko ditugu artikulu honetan. Artikuluaren amaieran, laburpen gisa, ikerketa hauen ezaugarri orokorrak zein aurkitutako hutsuneak azaltzen saiatuko gara. Ildo horretatik, datozen ikerketak nola bideratu beharko lirate-keen hausnartzen du artikulu honen autoreak, batez ere, populazioaren tes-tuinguru sozioekonomikoa (makro mailan) nahiz bikotearen unibertsoari buruzko analisi kualitatiboa (mikro mailan) ezinbestekotzat hartuz.
During latest decade the research about gender and stress has been increased in Social Psychology discipline. Interchange of home and professional spaces (specially for women) as a great source of stress has been analysed from differents points of view. Sensitives with these reality, this article shows an analysis of the principal research focused on psychosocial transitions, bidirectional stress, inter-rol conflict (FIW family interference with work as WIF work interference with family), stress-levels, and finally, the question of power. Then, the general characteristics of these studies are showed as a summary, as well as lacks that they have been happened. In this way, the author thinks about the way the future research could be managed towards the socio-economical context of the population (macro-level) as well as the qualitative analysis could be focused on the diadic universe (micro-level).