Uztaro 52 (2005)

Hezkuntzaren helburu zibikoak eta nazionalak Euskal Herriko erakunde abertzaleen esanean

Txoli Mateos Gonzalez, Julen Zabalo Bilbao
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Artikulu honen hari eroalea da ezinezkoa dela nazionalismo etnikoaren eta zibikoaren arteko bereizketa zurrunik ezartzea, eta, aldiz, biak erabili izaten direla, neurri batean edo bestean. Hortik abiatuta, zaila ere izango zaigu euskal nazionalismoa alde batean edo bestean jartzea.
Horrela, euskal nazionalismoaren hezkuntza-diskurtsoaren alde zibikoak eta nazionalak aztertzean, beste edozein nazio-nalismok bezala diharduela ikusiko dugu, hizkuntzari eta kulturari lehentasuna emanez. Hala ere, estatu-nazionalismoa ez den neurrian, ageriago geratzen dira hezkuntzaren helburu nazionalak, eta bigarren mailan, berriz, herritartasunaren inguruko kezkak.
Ondorio orokorra da euskal nazionalismoak hezkuntza-diskurtso liberala duela eta, aldi berean, hezkuntza nazionala nabarmen gailentzen zaiola hezkuntza zibikoari.

The guiding argument of this article is the impossibility of establishing a clear separation between civic and ethnic nationalism. On the contrary, the article affirms that both are usually employed to a greater or lesser degree. Starting from this idea, the difficulty of classifying Basque nationalism as either ethnic or civic is posed.
Hence, on analysing the civic and ethnic aspects of the educational discourse of Basque nationalism, we see that it works like any other and that it grants a preferential place to language and culture. However, to the extent that it is not a state nationalism, when it comes to formulating the aims of education, the national acquires an evident weight in comparison to the question of citizenship.
The general conclusion is that Basque nationalism has an educational discourse of a liberal type, and, at the same time, national education becomes a priority rather than civic education.