Uztaro 53 (2005)

Goi Aro Berriko bizkaiko Jaurerriko Gobernuari buruzko hurbilketa

Mikel Zabala Montoya
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Artikulu honetan aztergai dira XVI. mendeko bigarren erdialdetik XVII. mendeko lehen erdialdera Bizkaiko Jaurerriko Gobernua osatu zuten familia nagusiak. Lehenik, erakunde-mailan talde zuzentzailea zehazten ahalegindu naiz. Egia esan, kargudun guztiak baino Ahaldun Nagusiak besterik ez dira miatu. Jarraian, talde horren sendirik nabarmenenak landu dira: tokian tokiko kokapena, gaitasun sozio-ekonomikoa, aliantzak eta mendetasunezko loturak, ondorengotza-estrategia, etab. Lagun batzuen arteko parekotasunak eta diferentziak balizko fakzioen berri emango digute. Analisi horren bitartez, Jaurerriko erakundeetan bi bloke nagusien arteko elkarren kontrako enfrenta-menduaren izaera edota bando zaharren jarraitutasuna argitzen saiatuko naiz. Gako-giltzak: Erakundeen historia. Bizkaia. Ordezkaritza-erakundeak. XVI-XVII. mendeak.

This piece of work analyses the main families who took part in the Biscayan Government between the second half of the 16th. century and the first half of the 17th. century. Firstly, those families who composed the Biscayan ruling classes have been listed. This list doesn\'t include all the officials, but only the General Deputies. Later, those families most frequently elected at the General Assemblies have been studied: placement, socioeconomic bases, nets of alliances and dependence, familiar strategies, etc. Similarities and differences between all of them may enlighten some news about hypothetical factions. Finally, this analysis will try to give out the reasons for the fight between the two main groups in the Biscayan institutions or the presence or the old bands. Key Words: History of institutions. Biscay. Representative institutions. 16th. and 17th. Centuries.