Uztaro 54 (2005)

Boterea eta lidergoa antolakuntzetan: kontzeptuak, taktikak, emaitzak

Miguel Gonzalez Simón, Galder Guenaga Garai
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Artikulu honetan, edozein antolakuntzatan langileen jokabidean eragiteko erabiltzen diren sei mekanismo garrantzitsuenak aztertu ditugu, baita mekanismo horiek sorrarazten dituzten jarrerak eta balioak ere. Hori guztia guk geuk taxututako taula batean jaso dugu. Bigarren taula batean sei mekanismook hurrenkeran sailkatu ditugu, boterearen iturri genuinoenekiko —bai botere pertsonalarekiko eta bai antolakuntzaren boterearekiko— daukaten polarizazio-mailaren arabera. Hirugarren taula aurreko bien osagarri paratu dugu, erabil litezkeen mekanismoak, batetik, eta lortu ohi dituzten emaitzak, bestetik, uztartuz. Emaitzok onespena, konpromisoa eta erresistentzia dira. Azkenik, lidergoaren auziari berebiziko arreta eskaini diogu, liderrek euren lankideak limurtu eta eurengana biltzeko baliatu ohi dituzten taktikak edo prozedurak aztertuz.

This article shows the six more excellent mechanisms for having influence on the behaviour of collaborators in the organizations, the types of attitude associated to the use of those mechanisms and the values that predominate in each one of those contexts. All this is synthesized in a significant figure elaborated by us.  A second figure proposes the grouping of the different mechanisms of influence based on their greater or smaller polarization with regard to the two genuine sources of power:  personal power and organizational power. A third figure complements both  previous ones, linking each mechanism of influence and its possible results: acceptance, engagement, resistance. Finally, we have focused our attention on an exhaustive analysis of the phenomenon of the leadership, detailing the diverse tactics or procedures that leaders use to persuade other people.