giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria
ISSN: 1130-5738
Irrati-eskola bat kudeatzea, oso ekintza dibertigarria izateaz gain, ikasketa-prozesuan erabiltzeko tresna interesgarria izan daiteke. Era berean, ikasketa ikasgeletatik atera eta gizartera aurkezteko balio du. Bereziki, hizkuntzen ikasketan (euskararenean gurean) nabaritzen dira irratiaren onurak, eta zehazki ahozko adierazpenaren alorrean. Baina zerbait gehiago eskaintzen die ikasleei: alde batetik, kazetari moduan, ingurunea ezagutzea, eta, beste aldetik, soinu-testuak sortzea, muga bakarra sormena izanda.
   Gaur egun, eta informazioaren teknologia berriei eta Interneti esker, irrati-tailer edo eskola-irrati bat muntatzeak ez du diru handiko inbertsiorik es-katzen, eta edonork izan dezake halakorik ikastetxean; are gehiago, kalitate handiko produktuak egiteko behar den azpiegitura ia dohainik dute eskuragai eskolek. Hala ere, eta teknologiaren garrantzia baztertu gabe, betiere fun-tsezkoak dira kontatzen dena eta azaltzeko era; horregatik, ondo eraturiko gidoian oinarritu behar da irrati-sormena, hori baita ahozkotasunaren adierazpen idatzia.
The management of a school radio, besides an entertaining activity, is a learning way that helps the students in their educative process, and simultaneously extracts it from the classrooms and gives it to know to the community. It is in the education of the langua-ges, and concretely in its oral expression, the field in which more effective is the radio. But it offers something more to the student: the possibility of knowing and of interacting with him/her environment, like a journalist would do, and of creating sonorous texts, with the only limit of him/her imagination. Also, it learns to tell it to the others, that is the aim of the media. Also, nowadays, and thanks to the application of the new technologies of information and Internet, to create a studio or a school radio is within reach of all persons, because it is not necessary a great infrastructure for make good quality programs. But, although the technology is important, the fundamental is what and how it is counted, and that is why the script cannot be neglected, because on it and on a written oral expression is based the radio creation.