Uztaro 57 (2006)

Bokal-elkarketak beratarren hizkeran

Edurne Perez Landa
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Aldaera estandarraren eta dialektoen arteko bateratze-joerak lantzeko asmoarekin, Berako hizkeran bokal irekien aurrean bokalen jokaeren azterketan oinarritu naiz. Abiapuntua hipotesi bat izan da: jende adinduengan Berako hizkeran ohikoak diren arau morfofonologikoei dagozkien bokal-egokitzapenak galduz doazela jende gazteengan. Bi ezaugarriok galduz doazela ondorioztatzen da. Oraindik ere bokal irekien aurrean beste bokal irekiak ixtea nagusi bada ere, gero eta gutxiago egiten da disimilazio hori; epentesiaren erabilera, aldiz, adinekoengan baino ez da mantentzen, jada epentesirik ez tartekatzea nagusitu baita.

The base of this article has been the research of the different vowels’ behaviour in front of open vowels in the speech of Bera, with the intention to work on levelling-tendencies between standardized variation and dialects. The point of departure has been a hypothesis; in fact, until now open vowels always have been closed compounding with other open vowel, and when compounding vowel was i, it has been put an epenthesis. However, at the end of this work I have deducted that those two characteristics are being lost. Although it is still common to close open vowels in front of other open vowel, the speakers use less and less that resource. On the other hand, only old people keep the use of the epenthesis; it has already prevailed the not use of the epenthesis.