Almudever-ek (2005) proposatutako eredu teorikoan oinarrituta, ikerketa hau lan tradizional maskulinoei buruzko ikerketa-lerro zabal batean koka dezakegu, hain zuzen ere, emakumezko autobus-gidarien balizko gaitasun-transferentziak eta portaera berritzaileak aztertzen dituena. Ikerketan, Bilboko eta Donostiako garraio publikoko 29 emakumezko autobus-gidarik parte hartu dute. Ikerketa honetan bi helburu nagusi bereiz daitezke: batetik, emakumezko horiek ogibide berrian hasteko izandako motibazioak identifikatu nahi ziren; bestetik, enpresek emakumeengandik espero zuten rol profesionala aztertu nahi zen, betiere emakume gidarien ikuspuntutik. Aztertutako datuen arabera (Eustat, 2001), emakumezko autobus-gidarien enplegu-tasaren gorakada nabarmena da. Ildo horretatik, nabarmentzekoa da emakumezko autobus-gidarien artean, gehiengoak aurrekari familiarrak (aita, neba, bikotekidea, etab.) dauzkala lanbide-jarduera honetan. Amaitzeko esan behar da, rol profesionalarekin loturiko jardueren artean, alor garrantzitsuena zerbitzuari (bezeroarekiko harremana eta puntualtasuna) loturikoa dela.
Consistent with the theoretical model of Almudever et al. (2005), the present paper is part of a broad study on the transfer of skills and innovative behaviours in traditionally male-dominated professions, in this case, bus driving. 29 female drivers from two metropolitan bus companies (Bilbao and San Sebastián) in the Basque Autonomous Community took part in the study. The first phase focused on identifying why the women opted for this particular professional activity, and the type of professional role expected of them by the company. The results showed that the number of women involved in this activity was slowly yet steadily on the rise (Eustat, 2001). It was also observed that a significant number of women bus drivers have family members who also work in the sector. Among the activities associated with the professional role, the most noteworthy was related to the actual service provided (punctuality and customer service).