Artikulu honetan Euskal Herriko izendatze-praktikei buruzko ikerketa bat aurkezten da: jaioberrien izenak hautatzean gurasoei eragiten dieten logika sozialei buruzkoa, hain zuzen. Baina logika horietatik harago, norberaren autonomia ageri da izena hautatzean eta, batez ere, izen hori defendatu behar denean izen-hautatzea arautzen duten erakundeen aurrean.
   This article present the results of a study on naming practice in Basque Country: across a research on selection of firts names of newborns, the study shows how the sociological logics influences the parents’ choice. However, the investigation focuses on the autonomy of parents and emphasizes the role of resistance to institutional norms and rules about the selection of name.