Etxebarriko eta Bolibarko hizkeretan gertatzen ari den hizkuntza-aldaketa ikertzen da artikulu honetan. Horretaz gain, hizkera bakoitzean belaunaldi biren artean zenbaterainoko bariazioa jasan den neurtuko da: maileguak, estandarrak edo deskulturizazio/kulturizazioak eraginda. Aurre-koetxeak zioenaren jarraipena da honako hau ere, hau da, euskara jasaten ari den aldaketa soziolinguistikoaren azterketa egiteko asmoz ekin zaio lana-ri. Hizkuntzaren hainbat arlo aztertuko dira horretarako (morfologia, sintaxia, fonologia eta lexikoa) galdesorta itxi bat aintzat hartuta.
   In this research contribution, we analyse a pair of speeches located in the east of Biscay: speeches from Bolibar and Etxebarria. The first purpose is to analyse linguistic resemblances and differences between both dialects. In addition to that, we will analyse the linguistic variation that each speech has suffered in each of the localities in two generations (mature and young), according to linguistic loans, the influence of the standard language or the phenomene of the acculturation. This article is a new contribution to the research of the sociolinguistic changes in Basque language, which Aurrekoetxea took the first steps In this way we will investigate several areas of the language (morphology, syntax, phonology and lexicon) in an accurate survey.