giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria
ISSN: 1130-5738
Mehr Licht! (Argitasun handiagoa!): Alemanezko
esaldia. Goetheren azken hitzak, argi handiago izateko
leiho bat zabaltzeko esanak. Gaur argitasun
handiagoa, kultura eta zientzia gehiago eskatzeko
erabiliak dira.
                                      Kintana-ren hiztegitik
Brecht-ek Galileoren ahotan hitz hauek jarri zituen bere The Life of
Galileo lanean:
The movements of the stars have become clearer; but to the mass of the people the movements of their masters are still incalculable... What are you working for! I mantain that the only purpose of science is to ease the hardship of human existence. If scientists, intimidated by self-seeking people in power, are content to amass knowledge, then science can become crippled, and your new machines will represent nothing but new means of oppresion. With time you may discover all that is to be discovered, and your progression will only be a progression away from mankind. The gulf between you and them can one day become so great that your cry of jubilation over some new achievement may be answered by a universal cry of horror.