Uztaro 70 (2009)

Artea eta industria-ekoizpena. Objektu artistikoa eta egunerokotasuna

Amaia Lekerikabeaskoa Gaztañaga
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    Jakina da artearen historian eskulturaren eta diseinuaren arteko harremana oso estua izan dela, nahiz eta arlo bakoitzak bere arauak, helburuak eta betebeharrak izan. Batez ere XX. mendeko 80ko hamarkadatik gaurdaino (postmodernitate deitutako garaian), eremu bien arteko mugen desagertzearen edo nahastearen eredu asko ditugu arte munduan zein objektu erabilgarrien munduan. Artikulu honek erlazio hori (postmodernitatean batez ere) aztertzea du helburu. Horretarako eskultura eta diseinuaren esparruetan asmo eta funtzio estetikoarekin sortutako objektuak hartuko dira adibidetzat.
    GAKO-HITZAK: Artea · Eskultura · Diseinua · Objektu estetikoa · Muga · Objektu hibridoa.

    It is known that the relationship between sculpture and design has been very close through history, even though each of those fields has its rules, aims and tasks. It is mostly from the 80’s decade to date (the period known as post-modernity) that we have many examples of disappearance of the limits between both fields or even the merging of those fields, both in the fine-arts as well as in the field of useful objects. The aim of this article is the analysis of this relationship (especially in the post-modern period). To achieve this goal, objects created with aesthetic purpose and function in the fields of both sculpture and design will be taken as examples.

    KEY WORDS: Art · Sculpture · Design · Aesthetic · Object · Limit · Hybrid Object.