Fisika eta teknologiako diskurtso idatzian berebiziko garrantzia dute adierazpen matematikoek, informazio zehatza era trinkoan emateko balio baitute. Bestalde, mundu osoko zientzialarien arteko komunikazioa funtsezkoa da gaur egun; horregatik, hizkuntzen arteko mugak gainditzeko, aspaldidanik hasita, zientzialariek sinbolo bidezko kode idatzi bat adostu dute, mundu osorako era berean balio duena. Lan honetan, arazoaren azterketa eskematiko bat egin ondoren, zenbait gomendio egiten dira nazioarteko sinboloak euskararako egokitzeko.        GAKO-HITZAK: Magnitude eta unitate fisikoak · Nazioarteko ISO arauak · SI sistema.
   Mathematical expressions have become very important in the written discourse for physics and technology because they give us precise information in a very concise way. Moreover, worldwide communication among scientists is fundamental nowadays, and for this reason, in order to break through the barrier that using different languages represents, scientists have agreed on a written international symbol code. In this paper, after a sche-matic study of the problem, several guidelines are given to adapt the international standards to the Basque language   Â
   KEY WORDS: Physical quantities and units · International ISO norms · SI system.