Oraintsu arte Elizaren —katolikoaren— eta euskal gizartearen arteko harremanak estuak izan badira ere, azken hamarkadetan egoera aldatu da zeharo. Artikuluan aldaketa horren zenbait faktore aztertzen dira. Oro har, hiru hipotesi agertzen dira: batetik, Eliza Katolikoa berandu heldu da modernitatera, modernitate bera xehatuta zegoenean; bigarrenik, euskal kultura ere berandu heldu da modernitatera eta, berebat, modernitatera heltzen den elizara; azkenik, euskal gizartearen eta kristautasunaren artean aldaketa bereziki sakona eta azkarra gertatu da azken hamarkadetan. Bestaldetik, euskal gizartean gertatzen den prozesua Mendebaldeko gizarteen testuinguruan aztertzen da. Artikuluak modernitateak eta modernitatetik sortzen diren interpretazio berriek erlijioarekin hartzen dituzten harremanen berritxuratzea erakusten du.       GAKO-HITZAK: Erlijioa · Kristautasuna · Modernitatea · Euskal gizartea.
   The relationship between the Catholic Church and Basque society has always been relatively close and friendly. In recent decades however, this relationship has under-gone a significant change. The factors involved in this social change have been analyzed in the article. The author works on three hypotheses: the first hypothesis claims that the Catholic Church has arrived at modernity too late and the second states that the Basque culture has arrived late at modernity, as well as at modern-day Church. Finally, the third hypothesis asserts that the relationship between the society and the Church in the case of the Basque country has changed considerably and rapidly. The whole process is studied in the context of Western culture. The social configuration of religion has been changed during late modernity and this is another context in which this subject should be studied.
   KEY WORDS: Religion · Christianity · Modernity · Basque society.