giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria
ISSN: 1130-5738
Gaur egun hiztun orok duen komunikazio-gaitasuna definitzeko orduan, kode linguistikoa ez ezik, bestelako ezagutza ere kontuan izan behar dugu. Horrela, bada, lan honetan aipatzen ditugun zenbait autorek komunikazio-gaitasuna osatzen duen ezagutzaren berri eman dute. Halaber, lan honetan irakasleak izan beharreko komunikazio-gaitasuna zehaztu dugu eta horretarako bi bide hartu ditugu; batetik, irakasleak bere eguneroko jarduera akademikoan dituen hiru lan-eremuak zehaztu ditugu; bestetik, Europako Erreferentzi Marko Bateratuak aipatzen duen C1 hizkuntza-maila oinarri hartuta, irakasleak izan beharreko komunikazio-gaitasuna aipatutako hiru eremuotan azpimarratu dugu
GAKO-HITZAK: Komunikazio-gaitasuna · Irakaslea · Europako Erreferentzi Marko Bateratua · C1 hizkuntza-maila.
   Today, to define the Communicative Competence of the speaker, we must take into account other skills besides the knowledge of the code language. In the present work we introduce these skills, opening new roads within The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Our aim is to define The Communicative Competence of the teacher. In doing so, we have taken into account two approaches. On the one hand, we have delivered the three areas of work that the teacher faces in his daily academic activity, and on the other, we have taken as a reference of the teacher\'s language level the C1 level of the Common European Framework. Consequently, when we refer to the term communicative competence, we do it along the line that this competence subsumes in itself other competences.Â
   KEY WORDS: Communicative competence · Teacher · The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages · C1 language level.