Uztaro 78 (2011)

Nortasun antisozialaren nahastetik psikopatiara, Tony King-en kasuaren bidez


Gizartean ikusten ditugun hainbat arazoren jatorria nortasun antisozialaren nahastean aurkitzen da. Nahaste hori duten pertsona asko ez dira gizarteko arauetara egokitzen eta sufrikario ugari eragin ondoren, espetxean amaitzen dute. Baina, nahaste bera duten beste zenbait pertsona gizarteko erakunde politiko eta ekonomikoetan oso ongi txertatzen dira, eta erakunde horietatik kalte eta min handia egitera hel daitezke, gizarteko egitura horiek eskaintzen dieten proiekzioari esker. Artikulu honetan, alde batetik, nortasun antisozialaren nahastearen bereizgarriak, zergatiak, garapena, diagnosi-irizpideak eta terapia aztertu ditugu eta, beste aldetik, nahaste hori eta psikopatia zertan bereizten diren agertu dugu. Nortasun antisozialaren nahastea eta psikopatia argitzeko Tony King-en kasua aurkeztu dugu, nahaste horiek argitzeko egokia izan daitekeelakoan.

GAKO-HITZAK: Nortasun antisozialaren nahastea · Psikopatia · Nortasunaren nahastea · Tony King.

From antisocial personality disorder to psychopathy, through the case of Tony King

    Many of the problems we see in our society originate from people with an antisocial personality disorder. A good percentage of these people do not conform to the norms of our society and end up in prison after causing much suffering in their environment. But others who have the same disorder can be integrated within the institutional, political and economic structure of society, and can cause great harm by taking advantage of the opportunities provided by such structures of society. This article, on the one hand,  explores the characteristics, causes, development, diagnostic criteria and therapy of antisocial personality disorder and, on the other hand describes the differences between this disorder and the psychopathy. To illustrate the pathology of antisocial personality disorder we present the case of Tony King, which seems to respond to the profile both of the antisocial personality disorder and the psychopathy.

KEY WORDS: Antisocial Personality Disorder · Psychopathy · Personality Disorder · Tony King.