Uztaro 81 (2012)

Gizarte-mobilizazioak eta frankismoaren hondar krisia. Euskal Herriaren ekarpena

Pau Casanellas, Daniel Escribano Riera
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1977an Espainiako demokrazia parlamentarioa ezartzea ekarri zuen aldaketa politikoaren prozesuari buruzko historiagintza garatu arau, zera agertu da gero eta argiago: Arias Navarro presidente bilakatu zenetik frankismoaren baitan gorpuztuz joan ziren erreforma-programek porrot egitearen eragile nagusia mobilizazio soziopolitikoa izan zela. Prozesu hori du aztergai artikulu honek, Euskal Herritik begiraturik, eta ondokoa du oinarri: hein handi batean ezezagunak diren hainbat dokumentu, hala gobernuarenak nola oposizioarenak.
GAKO-HITZAK: Aldaketa politikoa · Lan-gatazkak · Gizarte-mobilizazioak · Euskal Herria.

Social protest and final crisis of Francoism. The Basque contribution

As the studies on the history on the process of political change that led to the achievement of parliamentary democracy in Spain in 1977 has developed, the sociopolitical mobilization has emerged as a key factor of the failure of reformist projects that began to take shape within the Franco regime after Arias Navarro was nominated president. Based on an extensive and largely unpublished set of documents, both governmental and from the opposition, the article portrays this process from the perspective of the Basque Country.

KEY WORDS: Political change · Labour conflicts · Social mobilization · Basque Country.